The Road to Inspiration
“’I cannot believe you brushed your teeth with food Belki!’ said Jake”. This is a line from one of my short stories I had written. When I wrote that line, I was laughing so hard my eyes were squinting like I had been punched in the face. It is wonderful to have the option to be any character you want to be and have no one say “no, you can’t be that”. There was a time when I didn’t really like writing; throughout my life I have transitioned to where I am now as a writer.
When I was younger I felt as if I was living in two different worlds. The only language that was spoken in my house was Spanish, which means that Spanish was my first language. As a result it made school difficult, especially English classes; I felt like a bird trapped in a cage. I was unable to reach my full potential as a student because of the language barrier. When I was unable to write or express myself in papers, I began to feel scared and ashamed of myself. I was scared that teachers were going to make fun of me because I could not write very well. It was not until I entered fifth grade that I had an English teacher who required her students to write in a journal every day, but we were able to write about anything we wanted. On the first day of writing in the journal, I picked up the pencil between my thumb and index finger and started writing about whatever popped into my mind. My hand felt like waves and my writing was like the ocean, flowing wild and free. I knew right then that I should not feel ashamed or be scared of my writing because what I have to say is important, even if the writing does not make sense.
My English professor from my first semester in college is my role model. She gave me good advice and encouraged me to keep writing and to challenge myself. I enjoyed going to her classes and listening to the stories she had written. It gave me inspiration to continue improving my writing skills. I continued to write short stories and I still have...