Little Miss Sunshine’s Elevator Speech
In a Distance learning environment at Axia college it is no different from a face to face learning environment on campus. For a distance learning environment a student must be self-directed, able to access the technology such as a computer needed to “Check-In” no matter the location of the student or facilitator. Students of a distance learning environment are still able to receive the same education and degree or degrees as a student at an on campus college.
To begin a week at Axia college you first have to sign-in which is also checking-in. Second are the forums where ALL the threaded discussions occur. A threaded discussion which is a response to an assignment that one student has posted and a classmate is responding by asking a question or inputting a thought or idea about the response. For example we would go into the main forum or what would be a classroom at an on campus college and this is where we would get the assignment or assignments that the facilitator has assigned. The next forum would be the chat forum which is a simple check-in or friendly conversation among fellow classmates whether it be a friendly “Hello” or a conversation on a school related topic that would have been discussed in the classroom. The individual forum is just for a student to post a specific assignment the facilitator says to post to that particular forum and also in this forum is where a student is able to get feedback on how well he or she is doing in the class and classroom discussions.
The next step is to respond to classmates for example, ideas, thoughts and questions on a specific topic of a particular assignment.
Another step would be to do the readings and the assignments that are given by a facilitator in a coarse syllabus and the coarse materials. The assignments are located in the main forum or in the coarse syllabus and the readings which are located in the integrated classroom which is the coarse...