

I have longed for you as long as I can remember. There is nothing in this world that I would not have done to be able to hold you in my arms and look at you in love and awe. I worked hard to get you here, spent many nights laying in bed dreaming of what life would be once you arrived, I prayed to God for you so often, it became a mantra,. In order to bring you into this world, mommy had to fight very hard to have what most mothers have almost without trying at all, But I did it, and it was so worth it to know that I have the life and the love of someone so important and innocent. I can only imagine how you would change me, make me want to be a better person, give me a reason to always do my best. And those are the things that I started thinking about when my journey to you got rough.I have longed for you as long as I can remember. There is nothing in this world that I would not have done to be able to hold you in my arms and look at you in love and awe. I worked hard to get you here, spent many nights laying in bed dreaming of what life would be once you arrived, I prayed to God for you so often, it became a mantra,. In order to bring you into this world, mommy had to fight very hard to have what most mothers have almost without trying at all, But I did it, and it was so worth it to know that I have the life and the love of someone so important and innocent. I can only imagine how you would change me, make me want to be a better person, give me a reason to always do my best. And those are the things that I started thinking about when my journey to you got rough.
I started thinking about the lessons I wanted to teach you, the time that we would share together. I thought of how I wanted to show you the importance of earning all the things that you have. And how much you appreciate the result when it is something that you have endeavored so hard for. I wanted you to know that life is rarely easy, but throughout it all, it is worth it. I worried if I could set a...

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