Lowering the Drinking Age

Lowering the Drinking Age

Lowering the drinking age

There have been numerous arguments over the topic of lowering the drinking age to 18. If you ask someone 21 years old or older they are more than likely will say don’t lower the age. When asking someone 20 years old or younger most, if not all, will say lower the age to 18. I believe the age should not be lowered to 18. I believe this because if the age is lowered to 18 it will cause younger people to have alcohol problems later on down the road, those who are 18 years old are to immature to handle the responsibility that comes with drinking, and drinking sooner than 21 can cause health problems quicker.
One of the reasons I don’t think the drinking age should be lowered is because if teenagers start drinking at 18 it might cause them to have alcohol problems like being alcoholics. Teenagers wouldn’t know their limits on alcohol and will drink more and more just because they think it’s cool to get wasted.
Another reason I have for not lowering the drinking age is 18 year olds are not responsible enough to take on the responsibility that comes along with drinking. They would get drunk and then not be responsible enough to not get behind the wheel and drive. There are so many teenage car accidents that are caused by driving under the influence and some result in the death of themselves or an innocent bystander. Teenagers have still so much to learn before they should take on the responsibility of drinking.
If they lower the drinking age it will make it easy for teenagers to mess their health up. Right now there are many parties in high school that include binge drinking. Teenagers don’t understand how much alcohol can ruin their health. If they become heavy drinkers they have a better chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Alcohol has major side effects on health. Teenagers just think that drinking will make them more cool and popular with their friends, not realizing there is more to drinking then just being popular....

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