Managing stress

Managing stress

Taylor Chapter 1
what does the state's nurse practice act do? establishes the criteria for the education & licensure of its nurses
enforces rules for the profession
legally determines what who can and cannot do.
what phenomena underlies the present and predicted nursing shortage in the US? aging of the population
increased prevalence of chronic illness
increased prevalence of disabilities
Florence Nightingale is known as founder of modern nursing
created free standing nursing education
Clara Barton is known for organizing hospitals and nurses
created the American Red Cross in 1882
Dorothea Dix is known for she reformed treatment for the mentally ill.
Linda Richards is known for the first trained nurse in the USA
began the process of record keeping and writing orders
Lillian Ward is Known for the founder of public health nursing
Marya Elizabeth Mahoney is known for the first African-American nurse
Nora Gertrude Livingston is known for established the first 3 year nursing program in North America
Isabel Hampton Robb is known for founder of the ANA -American Nurses Association
Mary Adelaide Nutting is known for: published the History of Nursing
Mary Breckinridge is known for: established the first midwifery school in the US - Frontier Nursing Service
Margaret Sanger is known for: founded Planned Parenthood
name the 4 essential competencies nurses use: cognitive
ethical/legal skills
define cognitive competency: offer a a scientific rationale for a patient's plan of care
select interventions that are most likely to yield the desired outcomes
use critical thinking to solve problems creatively.
define technical competency: the ability to use and creatively adapt technical equipment
define interpersonal competency interact with patients
elicit their strengths and abilities
work collaboratively with other members of the healthcare team
define ethical/legal competency: act morally
be trustworthy
be accountable...

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