What might Ali decide to do next?
Ali will decide to do next is he may be apply for quitting the job because he found it that after gone through the interview with the interviewers he seems to be not suitable applying for this job, because the job he seek for it and the job he is applying now do not share the common similarities between the job he wanted to work thus applying for quitting the job may be the best choice for him, if Ali continues to stay in the job he will feel bored, meaningless, suffocating, and not interested in the work he is doing now because the work that he’s been looking for does not suit Ali working experience and Ali do not familiar with the company product.
Meanwhile, Ali might planned to changed to another company because Ali found it that other company had the similarities of the job that Ali has been looking for and company which have the similarities of the work that Ali has been looking for, Ali will definitely apply for the job because Ali found that the job he wanted to work has the same working experience that he worked before, thus Ali will fell meaningful working for this job. And Ali will also work diligently because he is interested working in this job and interest working in this job will brings Ali to a more successful future due to his endeavours of working in the company.
Furthermore, Ali might choose to stay behind because he realised that nowadays job are hardly to be applied and not easy to search for it because there are more and more fresh graduate where graduates from various universities thus living cost is getting higher in many countries. Thus, he choose to stay behind after thinking the consequences and Ali have to start from scratch towards the work he is working now.