

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. As opposed to rehabilitation, remediation of a loss of physical function means to 
A. accept the loss of one function but strengthen those that remain.
B. correct the problem through alternative means.
C. maintain what function remains.
D. restore the original function.
2. The term morbidity refers to 
A. illness and disease.
B. the process of death.
C. the incidence of unhealthy though patterns.
D. high risk behaviors.
3. The traditional American approach to health care is 
A. multidimensional.
B. preventive.
C. episodic.
D. holistic.
4. Which of the following BEST illustrates the traditional American approach to health care? 
A. an emphasis on disease prevention
B. seeing doctors only when sick or injured
C. eliminating high-risk behaviors from your lifestyle
D. taking advantage of your school or company's fitness center
5. The goal of preventive medicine is to 
A. identify and reduce risk factors in the patient's life.
B. promote managed health care over traditional insurance.
C. prevent people from having to visit doctors.
D. treat illness.
6. Of the following, which is not one of the central goals proposed by Healthy People 2020? 
A. Eliminate preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death.
B. Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups.
C. An increasing acceptance of integrative forms of health care including reflexology and herbalism.
D. Promote healthy development and healthy behaviors across every stage of life.
7. Which term BEST describes the process in which individuals or groups gain increasing control over their health? 
A. wellness
B. holistic health
C. empowerment
D. health promotion
8. Which of the following BEST illustrates group-oriented health promotion as described in your text? 
A. A small rural town attracts a new physicians' clinic.
B. A...

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