Mental wellbeing and mental health problems

Mental wellbeing and mental health problems

Unit 1
Mental wellbeing and mental health problems


I have chosen for task A to discuss ‘Southwark Mental Health Promotion Strategy’ document. This document sets out a strategic direction to promoting mental health in the borough of Southwark. As a response to the National Service Framework For Mental Health Report that came out in 1999, the Southwark Mental Health Partnership Board identified mental health promotion as one of its strategic priorities. It then set up a working group to develop a mental health promotion strategy in the summer of 2002. A draft strategy was produced in early 2003 and after a period of consultation with stakeholders, the document ‘Southwark Mental Health Promotion Strategy’ reflects the outcome of this work. The key aims of the document are
Give an overview of the role of Mental Health Promotion
Outline the factors, which impact on mental health in Southwark
Set out our strategic priorities for Mental Health Promotion
Outline a plan for implementing this strategy

Mental health promotion is any action taken to increase mental health among populations and individuals. In the document,

“the term ‘Mental Health Promotion’ is used to include any activity which actively fosters good mental health, through increasing factors which promote mental health such as meaningful employment and decreasing those factors which damage or reduce good mental health, such as abuse or violence.” (Southwark Mental Health Promotion Strategy)

It goes further to say:

“Everyone has mental health needs, whether or not they have a diagnosed mental illness. Mental health influences how we think and feel and affects our physical health, our relationships and our working lives.”

Thus reflecting the holistic view to mental health.

Alternative definitions used by health and other professionals draw on definition of health drawn up by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1948 and the 1986 Ottawa Charter for...

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