

Lenzie Humphrey
SPC 205 “Informative Speech”

As we all know, bowling is one of the most fun recreational sports known to man. Bowling is great for first dates, family gathering or just grabbing a group of friends on a Friday or Saturday night and going out having fun. I’ve been bowling since the age of 11 and I currently have a 203 average. Took me long enough but I got there. I’m going to briefly talk about better ways to improve your score, proper “bowling” etiquette and bowling attire.
The first thing I would like to discuss with you guys is how to better improve your score. How many of you guys, when you go bowling, just grab a ball from rack and just throw it down the lane?? The most important thing to get your score up is actually getting a ball that you’re comfortable using. You don’t want to get a ball too heavy, nor do you want to get a ball too light and you want a ball that actually fits your fingers. The last thing you want to do is throw your shoulder out, or dropping it on the lane because it doesn’t fit. Also, when you’re up and getting ready to throw a strike, keep your arm straight as a ruler. That will give you a precise shot, and oh yeah, there will be a huge “X” next to your name on the board. STRIKEEE!!!!
How many of you were aware that there’s actually sort of a “rule book” for bowling? Yes, the sport that seems so harmless actually has rules. The most important rule of bowling is “bowler courtesy. If a bowler is already on the approach, you have to let that bowl roll before you do so. It’s a safety hazard if both bowlers bowl at the same time. You can accidentally hit someone in the face, the guy/gal next to you drop a bowl on your foot. There are a lot of goofy and unusual things that can happen. And the last thing you want is to a bloody nose or a broken foot to be the highlight of your weekend.
The last thing I want to cover is attire. Now when you’re bowling with the family or with your friends,...

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