Multiple Intelligence Theory

Multiple Intelligence Theory

Multiple Intelligence Theory: How It Helps Find Your Strong Suit

The theory of multiple intelligence was first discovered by Howard Gardener. Howard believed human intellect could not be evaluated by standard psychometric testing. He listed originally seven basic forms of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal. His theory explains that not only do people have diverse methods of learning and handling information, but also the methods are relatively independent of one another.
Gardner noted the behavior conditions to be an intellect:
1. Potential for brain isolation by brain impairment
2. Place in evolutionary history
3. Presence of core operations
4. Susceptibility to encoding (symbolic expression)
5. A distinct developmental progression
6. The existence of savants, prodigies and other exceptional people
7. Support from experimental psychology and psychometric findings
And that the conditions meet the criteria for:
Spatial - ability to perceive the visual. These learners tend to think in pictures and need to create vivid mental images to retain information

Linguistic - ability to use words and language. These learners have highly developed auditory skills and are generally elegant speakers.

Logical - mathematical- ability to use reason, logic and numbers. These learners think conceptually in logical and numerical patterns making connections between pieces of information.
Bodily-kinesthetic - ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully. These learners express themselves through movement.

Musical -ability to produce and appreciate music. These musically inclined learners think in sounds, rhythms and patterns

Interpersonal - ability to relate and understand others. These learners try to see things from other people's point of view in order to understand how they think and feel.

Intrapersonal - ability to self-reflect and be aware of one's...

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