My Neighbors
Of the eight hundred million different types of people on this planet, I think some of the most interesting people fall into the “neighbors” category. Some of us have pretty interesting neighbors. And there are others who may not even know what their neighbors look like. Unfortunately for me, I live near a few psychos.
To give this OP some context, my family was kicked out of a house we rented about 4 years ago. I guess my landlords gambled too much in Las Vegas or something, because they wanted to clean our house up (for once) and put it on the rotting housing market. So we were forced to move, and sadly, we chose a very shady apartment complex.
I’m pretty sure we all want to leave feeling all fuzzy and happy, so I’ll start off by talking about the weirdos. Ever since I entered high school, my homework increased, as did my laziness. When I get home, I usually trip over our shoe shelf thing and fall sideways onto the couch. Then, I just sleep there until I roll off of the sofa. By then, it’s usually 1 A.M., and my homework is 0% done. So because of my wonderful lifestyle, I’m the sucker that’s up at 3 A.M. trying to write a paper, finishing those history outlines, or desperately searching the Internet for answers to my calculus homework. I mean, I’ve zoned out in math class all of my life, so I’m not sure how anyone expects me to be able to “integrate the quartic function to find the volume of a cone when it is rotated 2,560 degrees counterclockwise around the coordinate plane” when I can’t even count properly. So yeah, homework is kinda stressful.
But you know what makes it worse? Some of my lovely neighbors. For instance, there’s a dude who thinks it’s totally socially acceptable to have random political debates with no one in particular at 3 AM in the morning. Well, I guess you could say that he has them with himself. After Donald Trump won the Nevada Caucus for the Republicans, I think he threw his remote at his TV and screamed, “OH...