Nutrition Project

Nutrition Project

Nursing Diagnoses:
Altered Nutrition: Less than body requires related to exercise in excess of caloric intake, refusal to eat
Disturbed Self- Concept related to inaccurate perception of self as obese
Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume related to vomiting and excessive weight loss
Activity intolerance related to fatigue secondary malnutrition
Constipation related to decreased peristalsis as evidence by inadequate food and fluid intake.
Impaired Social interactions related to effects of behavior and actions on forming and maintaining relationships
Anxiety related to irrational thoughts or guilt
Ineffective Coping related to inadequate psychological resources to adapt to a traumatic event
Ineffective Coping related to altered ability to manage stressors constructively secondary to physical illness/ developmental crisis
Risk for Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen Management related to insufficient knowledge of condition
Impaired Social Interaction related to inability to form relationships with others of fear of trusting relationships with others
Fear related to implications of a maturing body and dissatisfaction
Nursing Interventions:
The nurse will encourage a dietary journal to help the client keep track of food ingested, including, but not limited to:
Vitamins and minerals
The nurse will assess the client's dietary journal on the next visit.
The nurse will provide educational materials regarding nutritional benefits to the client.
The nurse will provide encouragement and answer questions that the client has regarding her dietary plan.
The nurse will weigh the client and monitor for signs of weight gain/ weight loss- to ensure the diet plan is working.
The nurse will make a referral if needed.
The nurse will encourage the patient to talk about family problems
How is she coping?
Does she even what to talk about it?
Does she have any friends that she can talk to about how she feels?
Has she spoken to her mother about...

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