Othello Evaluation

Othello Evaluation

Othello Evaluation

1. “Iago as a triumphant villain” By W.H Auden
The main Idea for this essay is that Iago as a villain succeeded in everything he intended to do. This essay talks about how a single person performs all the actions. They refer to Iago as almost like a hero in their opinion he was triumphant and like most villains could not be made fun of because the things he does is so real. I would have to agree I believe Iago was a good villain and it is hard to ridicule him because of the success he had in the play. I believe he was a triumphant villain.
“Lucifer in Shakespeare” By Maud Bodkin
In this essay the main idea is that the devil is unconscious idea that is brought out of us when our values fail or are challenged. The author of this essay points out that Othello refers to many things as the devil and see’s the devil all around him. I am not sure on what this author is trying to say. In my opinion he is saying that the “devil” as he calls it is Iago even though we see him as a person because of his acts he is hardly human. I believe everybody has the capability to be good but when everything we have known has failed us we all could see everything as the “devil” as did Othello.
“Black and White in Othello” By Virginia Vaughan
In this essay the author focuses on how Othello was black and Desdemona is white and believes this is an unnatural Union. Back when this was written the audiences where mostly white and the site of Desdemona in Othello’s arms terrified them. The Author goes on to write about the moor’s otherness and how it is a major source of why the play Othello has so much emotional power. I noticed that nowhere in the play does it say that Othello is black but through the uses of language it is implied. The world moor has been used interchangeable with the word Negro which also implies that Othello was black. I believe this play would have a different emotional impact on the audiences of today than it did of past audiences.
2. I...

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