Overpopulation - Essay 4

Overpopulation - Essay 4

Overpopulation is a condition where an organism’s number has exceeded the carrying capacity of its habitat. It often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment. The world’s population has significantly increased in the last 50 years, mainly due to the medical advancements. The rapid increase in human population has raised concerns that humans are beginning to overpopulate the Earth.
Overpopulation does not basically depend on the size of the population itself but on how the resources are used and distributed throughout the population. Increase in births, a decline in mortality rates which resulted from medical innovations and the reduction of resources are the major causes of overpopulation. Overpopulation lessens the possibility of availing the basic life sustaining resources and this would lead to a diminished quality of life.
Because of the imbalance between the growing number of population and outgrowing life sustaining resources, we humans must vigorously conserve our energy, croplands, freshwater, and biological resources in order for us to survive. Humans should understand that the rapid growth of population can damage the Earth’s natural resources and would diminish human well-being.
Major resources or basic needs are reducing slowly because of the rapid population growth. As the global population continues to grow, people will place greater demands on our resources, - the water, land, and even plants. But the thing is people don’t know that we humans are the main reason why we demand this much for our resources. The destruction of the Earth’s natural resources resulted to its reduction. We have no one to blame but ourselves for this matter.
Our fresh water supplies are running low, not just in Philippines but in other countries as well. And this is expected to get worse as the population increases. And the grain supply in our country had an issue before that it’s already decreasing and that we have to import grain...

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