Personal Reflection Paper

Personal Reflection Paper

Personal Reflection on the Self Paper


July 21, 2013
Instructor Porcaro

Personal Reflection on the Self Paper

The core to each person’s world is the sense of self, and has caught the interest of psychologist and philosophers to the meaning of the self. Philosophers, such as Carl Jung, who questioned who am I and who are we, and the self was not who we thought we were, but what we believe about ourselves is who we really are (Creative-Personal-Growth, 2006). Carl Jung is one of many different thoughts about the meaning of self, how it relates to an individual, and how it forms an individual’s entire being. The concept of self and how it relates to an individual’s self-esteem, self-efficacy, and relates to two social experiences that affected my personal development.
Concept of Social Self
There is a difference in the self that everyone views in a social setting, the outside persona than from the self one perceives while alone, the self from the inside (Myers, 2010). Depending on who the self is interacting with at any given time, this is when the social self is representing to everyone of what he or she wants others to see. For example, an individual is different while at work wanting his or her peers to see him or her as knowledgeable and confident, but in a second social setting having dinner with friends or family would want his or her peers to see him or her as outgoing and fun. How an individual thinks and the attitude he or she has affects his or her social self, and by living up to these beliefs and attitudes the individual stays consistent with his or her self-presentation (Myers, 2010). If the individual feels inconsistant with his or her beliefs or attitudes he or she will begin to have a decrepency between his or her behavior and attitude, and will attempt to justify the discrepancy or change the behavior to meet the attitude (Myers, 2010).
Self-esteem is self-evaluation, all of our...

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