Religious Life of Colonists

Religious Life of Colonists

2. Imperialitive 1660-1700’s
a. Critical movement of colonies in England
b. From early mid. –Britain’s were unauthorized
i. The government didn’t care that much for the settlements in M.B.
1. Settlements founded by corporate, so Britain govt said good luck
2. 1630 and 1660 English Civil War—which preoccupied many people
a. Struggle of king and parliament
b. Religious—Establish church Protestant and king is church leader, descenders were known as puritans
c. Religious /constitutional component –Britain was about
d. 1660—The Crown came back
i. The Crown was executed in the beginning, and king Charles 1 was killed, and oliver Cromwell established new govt.
ii. “The Restoration of Stewart Dynasty” continued until 1689 –The imperial relationships were strengthen, molded. This time period
c. Second wave of finding colonies happened “Proprietary Colonies”
i. They are land grants for the King Favorites. Ex:
1. Jersey proprietary
2. Carolina Propritories
3. Pennsylvania Propr
4. New York –Dutch holding
5. They become royal colonies in the early 18th century
a. Only 3 not
i. Pennsylvannia
ii. Delware
b. They Become Royal Cause the Crown decided to take them away from these proprietors
c. Crown is taking over colonies
d. The Structure of supervision of British colonies in N.Amer changes into the 18th cent.
i. Govt, Crown , not really involved, but changes after 1660
1. In 1675 a very lose arrangement for dealing with colonies was replaced by “lords of trades”
a. LOT, replaced lose committees, and reformed them to deal with colonial structure.
b. Did 2 things
i. Enforced Legistlations “Navigation Acts”
1. These are passed beginning of 1650
2. They deal with trade
ii. Set up the structure to administer the colonies. And began running them. There is now some govt supervisions of trade, and colonies by Crown
1. Start with Jamaica
2. Then move into main land
c. 1696 Boards of Trades, replace Lords of Trades
i. Is responsible for...

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