schizoid personality

schizoid personality

Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Psych Abnormal
Kathleen Hamrick
Ottawa University
March 18, 2016

individuals with schizotypal personality are said to be very irrational with odd behavior. Because of their actions they are known to be loners and they accept this. show peculiar beliefs.
my choice on writing about Schizotypal Personality disorder is to find out the causes and effects and whether it is diagnosed as a child or in adulthood. Also in this paper I would like to discuss what actions this personality type display. This paper is to find out if there are similarities of schizotypal personality disorder with schizophrenia or are they the same but with different circumstances. My interest in this personality type are many, the mind has always intrigued me and learning to understand others is a great beginning to my field of choice in the human services profession
This means to me, an understanding of why some actors, actresses and others act or dress the way they do or have. It also allows me to look at individuals as people and not their disorder. We are all unique, and I am a loner myself so I often wonder why other people are distant in their relationships also.
This paper will allow me as well as others to look at all sides of every situation and show that no matter what the circumstances we can all be successful in our journey through life even with outsiders not wanting to be around us.
These studies will be done using books, online searches and journals and other research that is possible to collect within this chosen personality disorder.

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