To Kill a Mocking Bird 8

To Kill a Mocking Bird 8

To Kill A Mockingbird Film Review

Good morning, today I will be speaking to you about the differences between the award winning novel and movie of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. About a man named Atticus Finch who defended a black man (Tom Robinson) who was falsely accused of raping a white woman (Mayela Ewell) in court.
There are a lot of very significant features in the book that are missing from the movie. To begin with Atticus’ sister, Aunt Alexandra who played a very large part in Jem and Scout’s lives was completely absent from the movie. I think that Alexandra played a very vital part in the story and should have been kept in the movie, but having said that the movie played out quite well without her.
A more minor difference was the combination of Miss Maudie and Miss Rachel. The two characters where combined into the one person in the movie. I don’t think it really mattered too much, they only played a minor part as comfort to Atticus and his children so they both ended up serving the same purpose in the end anyway.
Another larger difference was the roll of Mrs Dubose, which was cut down quite a lot in the movie. Mrs Dubose was a morphine addict who played quite a large part in Jem’s life. She constantly harassed him and his family, trying to make their lives as miserable as she could. So whenever Jem lost his temper he would take it out on Mrs Duboses garden to try and get back at her. When Jem was caught his punishment was to read to her, to help break her addiction. When she died Atticus gave Jem a lesson on courage. The entire thing was left out of the movie. Atticus’ quote was one of the most important things in the book and although the movie was still fine without it I feel that Mrs Duboses scenes would have added a lot to the movie.
Over all the entire movie really only had less detail to the book, a lot of the scenes that were left out were only cut so that the movie would move along a lot quicker. I personally preferred the movie to the...

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