Torture Is an Evil so Profound That Nothing Could Morally Justify Its Use

Torture Is an Evil so Profound That Nothing Could Morally Justify Its Use

“Torture is an evil so profound that nothing could morally justify its use”. Discuss.

This essay will discuss issues relating to torture and investigate the proponents for torture and their arguments for justifying torture in a range of circumstances as against my argument that in no event or case can torture be allowed to occur against a human being as it is profoundly morally wrong and nothing in my mind could justify its use. I will discuss the certain circumstances are in which torture is ok, as described by those who advocate for its use, and then those who agree with me that torture is an evil and moral wrong. My argument for why torture is wrong rests on two facts – one, that as human beings and as emotional, mental and spiritual beings with a higher developed sense of moral and ethical values we should not allow torture of another human being as it is as an affront to our humanity and is an evil in the league of murdering another human being, and two, that the use of torture is traumatically damaging to another human being to such a degree that there can be no justification for it and it impacts the harmony of our Universe to such a degree that it breaks the principles of the laws of harmony in our Universe and thus impacts negatively on every living thing. This argument based on the philosophy of the Tjurkurpa (pronounced Jur-re-kirpa) and Ancient Indigenous Laws precludes me from arguing any other way. These Laws that we are connected to everything and our role as spiritual beings is to maintain the harmony of the Universe or we will be subjected to the Laws of action and reaction - Nparji Nparji (pronounced Nup-i-jee), tells me that we will be affected by the return of this negative action as a whole human race. This alone then spiritually, requires me to consider how my actions can impact others I am in relationships with and I could not expect someone to live with the traumatising effects of torture or its effect on the space...

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