What It Mean to Be an American

What It Mean to Be an American


What does it mean to be an American that question can be answered differently by everyone. The Melting Pot of America has become a melting pot of ethnic people. If you live in or near a city you can see the many ethnic cultures that influence our lives. America began with a bunch of immigrants, bringing their own cultures and traditions to a new country so they can express them. Nowhere else on this planet can you find such a diverse population! It's this mixture that makes America what it is but it also makes up a lot of the problems we face. For centuries the United States has attracted the poor, huddled masses that are yearning to breathe free. Here in America individuals of all the races and nations of Europe and all around the world are melted into a new race of men. In this new race of men people can carry-out whatever customs or traditions they wish, and the more people from other nations that come to the United States the more the our culture changes to incorporate their beliefs. The American mosaic is one of various cultures and personalities, each of them with their own specific characteristics. America is a melting pot of many groups, some who have come to find the freedoms of the New World" had to offer, and some who have come against their own will. All have had a great influence on our lives. We come from different places, speak different languages, are different colors, eat different foods, wear different clothes, have different religions, follow different customs, but we are all Americans. For America, I think the melting pot has been a success. I think another key thing about being American has to deal with is perseverance. This does not mean Americans are simply persistent, doing the same things over and over in a vain effort to succeed, but rather, we share a commitment to following through on our goals and pursuing them over time, in different ways if necessary, until they are met. Being an...

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