Why Do so Many Religious Believers Oppose Abortion?

Why Do so Many Religious Believers Oppose Abortion?

  • Submitted By: tarara
  • Date Submitted: 03/12/2009 11:59 AM
  • Category: Religion
  • Words: 1008
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 799

Why do so many religious believers oppose abortion?

Abortion is the decision and action of ending the life of the foetus (unborn child) within the mother's womb. It is done under different circumstances and for many different reasons. However, there are certain rules, which have to be obeyed before it become legal for the mother to have this done. Different religions have different views on abortion and some do not have views at all. Many religions strongly oppose the idea of killing a life but others feel it is the mothers decision as it is her body and she is the on that knows what is best for the child and herself. Some religions, who normally oppose it, have exceptions for mothers who may be carrying a health risk with giving birth but others do not accept abortion at all. Abortion has caused many diverse disagreements in religious communities and other communities in general as well as whole countries over the many years it has been taking place and there will never be a time where everyone agrees but understanding why other people think what they think is very important as you must respect others views in order to live together.
A Christian denomination who are pro-life are Catholics, they oppose abortion because they uphold chose to uphold the sanctity of life and believe that all life is a gift from god. Because of this, they believe that abortion is completely wrong (absolute view) because it’s taking away a life that god has created. They believe that evening after just being conceived the foetus is life so abortion is like murder and therefore abortion disagrees with the bible of which they follow. Bible passages to support this view could be 'thou shalt not murder' - exodus 20:13 and 'you created every part of me, you put me together in my mothers womb' - psalm 139. These both say ending any form of life at any time is completely wrong and should not be done. Therefore they strongly oppose the action of ending a life via abortion under any...

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