Why Dreams Are Real

Why Dreams Are Real

What Dreams Really Are
One topic of psychology that i have always found interesting and always will find interesting is dreams. Dreams have interested me sense as far back as i can remember. I have always found my self reminiscing on what dreams are and why we even dream. I had always heard different things about dreams. Being a kid i would often times try to control what my dreams would be about, little did i know, that was not really possible. Considering the several different types of dreams, there are many common believed myths that can actually be rebuked by the psychological science behind dreams.
As we know, there are many different types of dreams. There are common forms that mostly everyone experience and then there are those that are more rare. The common types of dreams are day dreams and night mares. Most people experience these daily. The more interesting forms of dreams are mutual dreams, progressive dreams, and reoccurring dreams. These dreams are not as common. Mutual dreams are very interesting because two people experience the same dream. Progressive dreams are dreams to continue to build on one another each night like a chapter book. Reoccurring dreams are dreams that are exactly the same every night. These forms are dreams are very odd and often times make the the dreamer wonder how it is happening.
Not many people know the truth about what dreams are so there are several myths made up about dreams. Everyone i talk to that is not educated about dreams believes that they come from wishes. If someone really wants something they will dream about it. If they really want a specific event to occur they will dream of it happening. Other people have told me that a dream is a scene of something that will never actually happen in your life. Another myth is that some people don't dream. Some people claim to no dream in their sleep. Scientifically this is not true.
The actually psychological studies of dreams lead to something more than myths....

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