Worlds greatest nessity

Worlds greatest nessity

A single molecule is the biggest part to life, as we know it. Water is our world’s greatest necessity.
The origins of life on Earth trace back to organisms living in water found over 380 million years ago. Scientists say life couldn’t have risen from anywhere else. In fact, water is necessary for almost all life on earth. Almost all organisms need some form of water to survive and reproduce. Thirstiness is the hallmark of life. Water is even a much bigger part of human life than many people may think. For example, about sixty percent of a human’s body weight is water. Every cell in the human body needs water to operate and we must consume water or we can die in as little as three days. It is easy to see how important this single molecule is to life on Earth.
The shortage of water for human consumption is becoming an increasing concern in more arid areas. This is a very serious concern especially in the Dallas, Texas area. Population growth is a big contributor to this problem. Dallas and its suburbs have grown about twelve percent in recent years. Jim Parks, the executive director of Lake Lavon, says the population of Dallas and its suburbs will double in as little as fifty years. Lake Lavon water supply is one of the principle lakes that the Dallas area uses. The water level in this lake has dropped over five meters in the past two years. It supplies over one-and-a-half million people in the Dallas area. The conservation of water in this area is a very big project that includes building reservoirs, connecting existing reservoirs and using all water supplies in the surrounding areas. Consumers understand the problem and are making a valiant effort to reduce their water usage. With this shortage comes a higher water cost, which is also making consumers use less and less water. The Dallas area is making a good effort to resist the shortage of water in their semi-arid climate.
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