Wr on Terror

Wr on Terror

Victorianism defines the absolute notions of right and wrong, thus individuals were judged accordingly; Victorians measured the success of their civilization according to its adherence to moral law. While Victorian values were closely linked with Puritanism and the lessons of the bible, as guidance or shaping it was also intertwined in complex hypocrisies. These contradictions were closely observed by the arts and literature movements within the Victorian era; literature mainly accounted the social conditions, corruption, power struggles, inequality, racism, and exploitation

It may be said that Mr Dickens’s genius is especially suited to the delineation of city life. He describes London like a special correspondent for posterity.’ Walter Bagehot. Many readers would endorse this. However, I want to explore the London presented by Dickens in terms of right and wrong distorted.
• Introduced what was happening to London at the time Dickens was writing - the Cultural impact of Urbanisation
• Looking at how Right and Wrong distorted looking at how Oliver Twist presents the criminal underworld of Victorian England. Compare to what the image of Sketches by Boz portrays and what Walter Bagehot suggests as London of hope and prosperity.
• My thesis... Dickens became famous writing stories that highlighted the difference between right and wrong in his own time. His stories invite us to form an opinion and make decisions about a character's right or wrong actions. Dickens focuses on ‘what the city looks like now, what does now, what people do in or around it’.
• Great Expectations we see the opposition between right and wrong, good and evil, justice and guilt. Pip struggles with the wrong of stealing for a convict and the good of caring for a suffering human being.
• There are similarites between "Oliver Twist" and "Great Expectations." In both novels there are the questions of morality. The differences between right and wrong, and a young boy trying to find his...

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