Your Mom

Your Mom

Since I’m not aloud to text you this and I really don’t think that you want to see me. I guess this is the best way to do this, and please be mature and not tear this up before you read it. You should really apologize to Elise, because you are being a hypocrite.
HYPOCRITE- a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold… Lets start there, you told me that you didn’t want me to get involved with anyone else… but you are hanging out with Cody any chance you can get (Even when we were dating) before I was really talking to Elise. I think that counts as professing a belief that you don’t hold. And you honestly need to get past the fact that she was your friend because it basically wasn’t her choice, I made a move then after that she would barely look at me. Ha ha ha, yeah laugh at me. She truly doesn’t like me if you ask her she will say the same thing, so get it out of your mind that were going to homecoming and that blah blah blah. Are you happy? Please just apologize to her because you can’t imagine how upset she was when you totally disregarded her feelings. It truly showed how terrible little witch you are sometimes….
Elise is probably your best friend and you should keep her close… Saturday when all this happened we both said we weren’t going to tell you, but she had a continence and she knew she should tell her best friend… the next day before you guys hung out she sent this to me, “Chris… you and I both know that because u like me now… Katie would probably find out. My Friendship with Katie means everything to me. So that is why I need to tell her about last night. I apologize but I couldn’t keep that a lie. All I can say is…if you like me like you say you do… you wont get mad at me that I told her. You will except that I’m a good friend and I hate lying. That’s what makes me a good person. Me telling her isn’t to start drama. It’s me showing I’m an honest person and a good true friend. And sooner or later… she would have...

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