

One of the most hot button issues for the past 40 years now has been abortion. There are two sides to the abortion argument and they are called pro-life and pro-choice. Someone who believes the pro-life option will not support abortion in most cases, but some will make exceptions depending on the matter. The other side of the argument is called pro-choice, which are people that support a woman right to an abortion. With any stance there are always people who will be in the middle and might identify with a little from one side and a majority from another, but it's important to look at what the beliefs are regarding abortion for each side. It is also important to know exactly what abortion is, and how it got started in America. To really understand abortion one must know what it exactly is, along with knowing the pro-choice and pro-life sides to it.
What is abortion?
To really understand abortion, one must know exactly what it is and it is defined as “removal of a fetus or embryo from the uterus prior to the stage of viability” (Grimes and Stuart, 2009). This is what would be known as a normal abortion and is pretty much legal everywhere in the US. There are other abortion options, such as getting one after viability has passed. An abortion after 23 or 24 weeks is not legally defined as one, and thus has other names associated with it. Some of the names that are related to an abortion after 24 weeks are feticide, labor induction, dilation and evacuation (D&E), hysterotomy, or termination of pregnancy (Grimes and Stuart, 2009). Knowing what abortion is, is extremely important, but it is also important to know how it really got started in America, and that would be Roe v Wade. The case of Roe vs Wade that was take to the Supreme Court is by far the most important event surrounding abortion because the case is what made abortion legal in the US. It is a case that is so prominent that American are “eight times more likely to name than Brown...

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