In large parts of Afghanistan an enormously religious Islamist militia
called the Taliban took over and changed the lives of many people for the worse.They ruled for five years, 1996-2001 and were overthrown by Operation Enduring Freedom after the attacks of 9/11. Although many people believed everyone was equal before God the Taliban did not.They took away rights and freedoms of women destroying their livelihood and their will to live. The Taliban didn’t care what was happening to these lonely women, nor did they care about what was going on in their hearts. The Taliban thought they were doing the right thing under God’s rule, but they were really shattering the lives of millions of women and girls. Women's rights have always been very patchy. At their best women were
60% teachers at Kabul University; 50% students at Kabul University, 50% civilian the government work force,70% school teachers, and 40% doctors. They could wear whatever they want and didn't have to wear the burka. During the Taliban's rule they banned movies, dancing, music, clapping
during sports events, kite flying, beard trimming, television, hanging pictures in homes, satellite dishes, chess, alcohol, anything made from human hair, nail polish, statues, dolls, pictures or photos of any living thing. The 'religious police' beat - with long sticks - any man who shaved or any woman not wearing her burqa properly. Adulterers were stoned to death, and the hands of thieves were amputated. Specific rules against women were: • Women and girls are forbidden to go to school or work outside of the home.
• Women and girls may not leave their homes without a male relative. • Women are forced to wear a head-to-toe covering called a "burqa" or a Hijab with only a small mesh opening through which to breathe and see. A burka is a loose garment (usually with veiled holes for the eyes) worn by Muslim women especially in India and Pakistan. A hijab is a a head scarf that wrapped around their neck and...