Basic Concept of Positive Psychology

Basic Concept of Positive Psychology

Basic Concepts in Positive Psychology

What do researchers mean by ‘subjective well-being’? How is this construct measured?
* Subjective well-being it refers on how people encounters and assess their lives by having emotional reactions and cognitive judgments. Subjective well-being is measured when it comes on judgments by satisfactions and feelings of fulfillment. When evaluating an area of their lives such as career and relationships. When developing emotional feelings and experiencing different types of emotions positive or negative. SWB “includes the various types of evaluation of one's life one might make - it can include self-esteem, joy, feelings of fulfillment, and so forth” (
* On p. 18 of your textbook, the authors present the hypothetical possibility of being hooked up to an ‘experience machine’ that would guarantee a constant state of happiness and positive emotion. Would you choose to be hooked up to such a machine? Why or why not? In your response, differentiate between hedonic and eudaimonic concepts of happiness.
* I would not choose to be hooked to a machine in order for me to experience constant happiness and positive emotions. Feelings of happiness and sadness is part of life, that is how we grow, and by experiencing negative or bad things in life is how we learned to do better and try to fulfilled our dreams and most important to appreciate what we have in life. When it comes to hedonic concept of happiness it refers more when someone experience happiness when having a positive relation and pleasure; on the other hand eudaimonic concept of happiness is when someone experience or achieved a goal in life, faced challenges, work through it and learn from it by bringing feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction.
* Reference

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