Categories of Cyber Crimes

Categories of Cyber Crimes

Categories of Computer Crimes
Richard Riggins

Categories of Computer Crimes
There are four common types of computer crimes. Computers can be used as an target. Crimes were the computer is the can include offenses like theft of intellectual property, theft of marketing information or blackmail based on information gained from computerized files. Crimes of this nature can sabotage intellectual property, marketing, pricing, or personnel data or can even sabotage of operating systems and programs with the thought of creating chaos in a business operations. There are many ways computers can be targeted unlawful access to criminal justice and other government records is another crime that targets the computer directly. This type of crime you could change a criminal history, modifying warrant information, creating a driver’s license, passport, or another document for identification purposes.
Damage to computer files and programs are called techno vandalism it occurs when a person get unauthorized access to a computer. Techno trespass is another crime in this category. Techno-techno trespass is basically just walking through a computer just to explore what is in it. A person might just look at files on a computer but even doing this simple takes invades personal privacy equivalent of trespassing.
Computers can be used as an instrument in a crime. In common law instrumentality is known for diversion of a lawfully possessed item which is an instrument to facilitate committing a crime. In this category the use of the computer is the crime not what is on it. Criminals manipulate the computer’s analytical processed which facilitating the crime. Crimes in this category include fraudulent use of ATM, theft of money from accrual, conversion, or transfer accounts, credit card fraud, fraud from computer transactions, and telecommunications fraud.

Another category in computer crime is computer is incidental to other crimes. In...

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