Cell Energy Worksheet

Cell Energy Worksheet

Associate Program Material

Cell Energy Worksheet

Answer the following questions:

Cellular respiration:

What is cellular respiration and what are its three stages?
Cell respiration is the process that takes the food we eat, and turns it into energy to be used by the cells called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The three stages are glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and electron transport chains.

What is the role of glycolysis? Include the reactants and the products. Where does it occur?
It means “splitting of sugar” during this stage a six carbon glucose molecule is broken in half, forming two three carbon molecules. During this process, two molecules of ATP, two molecules of pyruvic acid and two high energy electron carrying molecules of NADH are produced. Oddly enough, glycolysis occurs with or without oxygen. In the presence of oxygen, glycolysis is the first stage of cellular respiration. However, without it allows cells to make small amounts of ATP, and this process is called fermentation.

What is the role of the citric acid cycle? Include the reactants and the products. Where does it occur?
The citric acid cycle ( also known as the Krebs cycle) occurs in the mitochondria matrix, and begins after the two molecules of the three carbon sugar produced in glycolysis are converted to a slightly different compound acetyl COA. Through many steps several compounds capable of storing high energy electrons are produced along with two ATP molecules. These compounds are known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NAD) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) are reduced in the process. The reduced forms carry the high energy electrons to the next stage. Unlike glycolysis, the citric acid cycle only occurs when oxygen is present, but it doesn’t use the oxygen directly.

What is the role of the electron transport system? Include the reactants and the products. Where does it occur?
The electron transport system requires direct oxygen which is different...

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