Classification Essay Diets

Classification Essay Diets

The illusion that dieting is the answer to all of life’s problems, it seems to be stuck in most peoples mind. You are most likely to hear the word diet in a typical day. When people think of diets, they think of weight loss. How there going to lose weight? What goals they are going to set? And what diet plan are they going to go with? Everywhere we look there are new diets people are coming up with to lose weight. The three main diets are fad diets, point based diets, and portion diets.
Fad diets eliminate or greatly reduce one type of food. They are very popular for loosing weight quickly and effortlessly. The Atkins diet is well known for following the fad diet because it restricts carbohydrates. They restrict foods such as breads, pasta, baked goods, and starchy vegetables; these diets are usually high in protein and fat. The only reason for the quick weight loss is just losing the water weight. Once carbs are added back into the diet the weight will be put right back on.
Point based diets are diets that foods are assigned points in which you count everyday. This system helps you limit the calories you put in your body. The weight watchers diet is well known for using the point based diet. They want to teach you too control what you eat. This is very good for some people. But for others it is very time consuming to count all the calories in everything you eat. It is important to choose an eating plan that you can live with.
A portion diet is a well-rounded diet, but uses portion control. This means that you can eat pretty much anything but just not a lot of it. The portion diets boost your metabolism. Nutrisystem has a way of using this diet. This diet requires you to buy pre packages meals though. So you’re not portioning your own foods. Having a prepared meal diet plan may be right for you. There is no carbohydrates, calorie counting, or just loosing the water weight. And a good this is that everything is ready to eat in minutes. They may be a...

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