Clothespin Lab

Clothespin Lab

The Effect of Exercising on Clothespin Squeezing Rate
Problem: Does exercise affect clothespin squeezing rate?
Hypothesis: If you exercise then the squeezing rate will decrease.
Materials: Clothespin, clock
Safety Rules: Don’t put clothespin where it doesn’t belong.
Experimental Design:
Independent Variable: If you exercise or not
Dependent Variable: Clothespin squeezing rate
Controlled Factors: Health, same clothespin, which hand you use (keep the same hand), how long you do it for
Control Group: People who don’t exercise
Experimental Group: People Exercising
1. Get clothespin.
2. Make sure you are rested.
3. Squeeze the clothespin as much as you can for 60 seconds while counting.
4. Record data.
5. Repeat 2-4 for 2 more trials.
Discussion and Conclusion: My hypothesis was correct because most averages went down in squeezing rate but only one went up by about 1 and all the others went down by at least 2, 10, 20, or 40.
Suggestions for Improvement: This experiment wasn’t perfect because during the 60 seconds some people dropped their clothespin so it messed up their actual result. It is difficult to control all factors with human subjects because some people play sports and use those muscles more than other people. For this experiment I would add more people and do more trials to get more exact results than using 5 people and only 3 trials.
Suggestions for Further Research: Two suggestions for other investigations would be to measure and record the weight and height of each person being experimented and to then experiment them with the same procedure to see if specific weights or heights affect the rate of squeezing a clothespin in one minute. Another suggestion would be to change how long you would squeeze or rest to see if you would get the same results.

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