Communication and Journalism - tittle

Communication and Journalism - tittle

"If public relations professionals do their jobs well, they will serve the interests of the people who have paid them. There is a direct conflict between how they operate and the way journalists are supposed to operate, which is to serve the interests of readers, viewers and listeners." Explain this statement and evaluate the communicative functioning of both journalism and public relations.
Public relations is distinctive management function which helps establish and maintain mutual lines of communication and understanding between an organization and its publics. It helps the management to keep informed of change, anticipate trends and use research and ethical communication as its principal tools.
The communication strategy concept is based on the assumption that public relations is practised as a strategic management function it assists the organisation to adapt to its environment by striking a balance between commercial imperatives and acceptable social behaviour. With this, it builds relationships with those whom the organisation depends to meet its economic and socio-political goals. Developing a good communication strategy brings the communication function to relevancy in the strategic management process by linking the organisation’s strategic goals to its communication plans. Conceptualised communication strategy as a functional strategy provides focus and direction to the communication function.
Public relations cannot be accomplished as a profession rather than an occupation and a management role rather a set of techniques unless practitioners have a body of knowledge based on scholarly research available to them.
Public relations practitioners and often argue among themselves about what public relations is. Does it consist of writing, editing, and the use of other journalistic skills? Or does it consist of research, planning, counseling of management, and other management skills?
One way to resolve this controversy is to look at what...

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