Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture

  • Submitted By: wiked
  • Date Submitted: 01/22/2009 9:01 AM
  • Category: Technology
  • Words: 1918
  • Page: 8
  • Views: 625

Bits and Pieces

1. The term Bit refers to a binary digit, that is the smallest unit of data in a computer,
comprising of a single binary value.
The term Byte refers to a unit of data that is eight binary digits long. Bytes are units
used by most computers in representing characters.
A Kilobyte refers to approximately a 1024 bytes, as a measure of computer
storage or memory.
A Megabyte refers to approximately a million bytes, thereby being a 1024
kilobytes, as a measure of computer storage and real or virtual memory.
A Gigabyte refers to approximately a billion bytes, and is a measure of
capacity of computer data storage.

2. The term Millisecond refers to one thousandth of a second and is frequently used in
measuring time to read to or write from a hard disk or CD-ROM player.
The term Nanosecond refers to one billionth of a second and is frequently used in
measuring read or write access time to RAM (Random Access Memory).

3. To store 256 different values, 8 bits are required.

4. In the memory of a computer video card with a capacity of 32 megabytes, 32 768
kilobytes or 33 554 432 bytes or 268 435 456 bits can be stored.

Input / Output Devices

1. The term Input Device refers to any harware device through which data as well as
instructions are entered in to the computer’s main memory. Incoming data is converted
into electrical impulses, that are sent to other units of the computer.
The term Output Device refers to any device used to take information out of a

2. Computer Controlled Lathe ( Output Device
Light Sensor in a Digital Camera ( Input Device
Robot Welder ( Output Device
Temperature Sensor in a Computer Controlled Blast Furnace ( Input Device

3. A modem is considered to be both an input and an output device as it is a
communications device that receives input from a phone line, or a cable, and gives it to

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