Cons to Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Cons to Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Sustainable Ag – Con

Sustainable Agriculture, multiple definitions, three goals and one main objective to help sustain the environment for the future of agriculture. Some may argue that this is a good step forward others may say differently. Although there are many good things out there like no-till farming, wind energy, green roofs and vertical farming, availability of “Sustainable Food” and organic farming, they all have their down sides. I’ll start with no-till farming, it may save fuel emissions being put into the atmosphere but after a while the ground compacts. Leaving no room for roots to grow thus lowering the yield of crop that we require to feed the growing population. Also tilling helps rid of weeds by pulling them out and turning them back into the soil, without tilling we have more weeds and a greater need to spray the fields with harmful chemicals. Plants filter some chemicals before getting into our atmosphere but are green roofs and vertical gardening the most economical way to go? If you’re taking an already standing building and start adding the weight of soil and plants the roof my cave if it’s not built to withstand all the extra weight. Starting from scratch and constructing a building for the use of green roofs can be an added expensive cost to make it hold the weight of plants. Another large expense in sustainable agriculture is the use of wind energy. As great as it may be to use wind a natural and free resource and convert it to energy, there is a substantial start us cost. Wind turbines also take up a large amount of space and can be harmful to wildlife killing wild birds and bats. Let alone the fuel it takes to transport all the pieces of the wind turbine to the central location of where it is being built. Sustainable agriculture has a long ways to go even with all the research that has been done. But there is still no research done to validate that sustainable agriculture practices are beneficial.
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