

Culinary Arts has probably been the class that has affected me the most throughout my high school years. It is something that I have really loved doing ever since I was a kid, so it has left a big impact on my life. Cooking just provides me with a certain happiness that is hard to explain, but can be described as the feeling anyone would get when they’re doing something they are really passionate about. Throughout my high school years I took the culinary class they offer here at BHS, and taking it and culinary 2 this year.
Walter Savage Landor once said, “A good cook is the peculiar gift of the gods.
He must be a perfect creature from the brain to the palate, from the palate to the finger’s end.” That is a quote that I really love when it comes to cooking. In the past, I was uncertain as to what I wanted to do with my life. As time progressed, the answer became clear to me; I wanted to be a chef. The culinary field allows you to express yourself in ways that you can’t in almost any other career. Culinary Arts affects every part in your life. You learn basic skills that last you a lifetime, and you are motivated to try many new things. My love for cooking began when I was about five years old. I would always help my mom in the kitchen with things like baking cookies or making some type of cake, things that generally weren’t too difficult for my age. As I grew older I got to do more challenging things in the kitchen like cutting or even every once in awhile getting to

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