Critical Thinking Blood Money

Critical Thinking Blood Money

Blood Money

Blood Money
The story aired by ABS News Prime Time called Blood Money is a graphic exploitation of the value of money and what extremes people and countries will go to.
Critical Thinking
As I walk through the steps of analyzing this report I was disturbed to find out that human organs are being sold across the world from China and that US companies have set up the hospitals in China to accommodate such actions by providing the dialysis machines and other medical devices. The doctors in these hospitals would administer anti-blood clotting medicine to the prisoners before they are executed so when they blood so no destroy the organs until they can be removed. Another interesting fact is that the people donating the organs are criminals and neither they nor their families have any idea that their organs have been sold by the Chinese prison system. In many cases the prisoners that are being executed have only been convicted on minor crimes, which in the US is not considered an executable offense.
When looking at the consequences these prisoners have paid the ultimate price for their criminal activity, which in the US may seam extreme due to the fact some of these prisoners have only committed minor crimes that would not constitute death by a bullet to the back of the head. This story almost sound like a supply and demand by having salesmen make contact with potential buyers of these organs it is like the doctors are obligated to promote the sales of said organs across the world. I had not had to opportunity to study the Chinese culture but on our country it is morally and legally wrong to sell human organs but in this story it appears they are hand-selecting prisoners before they are even executed. It also appears that the doctors who are negotiating the deals have no interaction with the family because the money is going to the Chinese prison system.
As I look...

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