cuban revolution

cuban revolution

There are various factors that caused the outbreak of the Cuban revolution and these include, Batista’s authoritarian rule, need to shift from a capitalist rule to a communist rule, American relations with Cuba, rise of mass nationalism, corruption, severe social and economic hardships, the bold character of Fidel Castro accelerated the revolution as he became a prominent figure after he led a successful coup which overthrew Batista’s government. Evidently the long term problems in Cuba paved way to the outbreak of the revolution.

Firstly, Fulgencio Batista was an authoritarian ruler, hence Cuba lacked democracy thus it instilled discontent amongst the general masses and as such paving way for the outbreak of the Cuban revolution. According to Phillips, Fulgencio Batista was a self centred ruler that he went to the extent of suppressing all forms of opposition, through personalising the military which was used to crush all forms of rebellion1. Resultantly this led to the marginalisation of the civil society in terms of politics thus making him quite unpopular leading to the rise of mass nationalism and resultantly a revolution that was aimed at achieving a democratic nation.

Secondly, Batista’s Authoritarian rule also caused the outbreak of the Cuban revolution, evidently when Batista was in power he declared himself the only legal candidate. He was met with great disapproval especially with rise of Fidel Castro who advocated for his overthrow mainly because he believed that he was a corrupt leader and that he was running the Cuban nation into the mud. According to Thomas, Fidel Castro signed partitions to the High court’s of Cuba that highlighted the evils of Batista’s regime but all the efforts were in vain, thus Fidel Castro resorted to launching an armed revolt to overthrow the Batista regime2. Hence causing the Cuban revolution.

Thirdly, Batista was against the ideas of communism in his country and thus he tried by all means to suppress the ideas...

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