Different Ways Elementary Children Learn

Different Ways Elementary Children Learn

Different Ways Elementary Children Learn
Elementary school students obtain information in many different ways. There is not a right or a wrong way to learn, just different methods that work in a unique way for each person. The basic strategy to better learning is to assess each method and consider which style will work for each student and help them improve their own individual study habits. During the elementary school years a child’s critical thinking becomes more complex and advanced. They begin to absorb logical reasoning, and they are able to concentrate on more than one part of a concept or a situation at the same time. Teachers can help students become mindful of their own learning style by presenting different lessons using processes that can reach any kind of learner.
There are many different learning styles but some of the most common learning styles can be categorized into three groups: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual learners need to have a clear, definable picture in their mind to understand the material. They process new information by seeing either by reading, looking at graphics, or watching a demonstration. While visual learners can usually grasp information shown in a chart or a graph, they sometimes grow impatient while listening to an explanation (Graham, 2008).
Auditory style of learning is the ability to learn by hearing and listening to information that is presented to them. This type of learner may demonstrate superior speech skills, listen closely to material spoken to them, and enjoys interactions with others. It may benefit them to have a study partner, record notes, and listen to audio or video presentations. The traditional lecture format usually works well for these students (Fleming, 2011).
Kinesthetic learners are students who prefer to learn by the “hands-on” approach and responds well to material that makes a personal connection with them (Sadker & Zittleman, 2012). They do well by...

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