Discovery atlas

Discovery atlas

Discovery Atlas: China Revealed

China is the oldest civilization known on earth. A nation that holds one third of the worlds population, And a nation thats on the virgat of becoming he worlds next superpower. Discovery Atlas: China Revealed is a documentary of how the worlds most oldest nation is becoming the fastest growing Communist economy, and how technology is hurting Chinas ancient traditions and ways of life.
Throughout the documentary we meet 6 different Chines a Rice farmer, Kung Fu Master, Real Estate Developer, A little gymnast girl with a dream, a migrant worker, and the last Chines bow maker. First we come across a Rice farmer family. Liao family farm in the hills of Longshen for 18 generations. For the Lion family modern China has change their life's for the best, “we now eat better, and we have better clothes. Now, we've even bought a fridge and a TV!” They still continue the same traditions, but with the modernization of 21st century. For this family modernization have improved their lives, but for others it has lost meaning. Liu Jeifang fears that technology will soon take over. Master Liu hopes that one day his 30 students will devote their lives to Buddha and Kung Fu. Unfortunately Kung Fu is forging a new modern identity, Wushu city has dozens of academies, where thousands of kids go to earn a certificate. A certificate from this academies can open the doors for a career in the army or law enforcement. Even Liu’s most talented student doesn't see himself as a monk and follow the traditions. His dream is to one day become a martian arts teacher or a security guard in the modern world. Masters Liu’s way of life has less and less appeal on the new Chains generation. His hope is that at least some of his students would keep Kung Fu and his teaching alive. Master Liu hopes to keep the traditions of what China was built on, but other Chains have a different view. Vincent Lo is one of the wealthiest men in China, he wants to modernize the...

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