drexl university

drexl university

I agree with you, implementing change will almost always be unsuccessful if employees follow blindly with no true directions. As a leader it is important to create a shared vision among the employees whom will be the driving force for change. A clear vision can help everyone understand why you're asking them to do something. When people see for themselves what you're trying to achieve, then the directions they're given tend to make more sense (Kotter’s 8 Step Model, 2015). Kottter’s 3rd step in the 8-step process is shaping a vision to help steer the change effort and develop strategic initiatives to achieve that vision (Kotter’s 8 Step Model, 2015). I believe this step is vital when implementing change.

Change is absolutely frightening; it can be uncomfortable and pull individuals out of their comfort zones. When employees are used to a certain routine change is almost always met with resistance. When this happen it is important for leadership to step in and become a model and cheerleader of change. When employees are informed of how the change will benefit them and the company it becomes easier for them to make the transition. As a leader if you encourage your employees and let them know you are in their corner along with demonstrating a positive attitude during change, then it is more likely that your employees will transition smoothly. Communication is key, I believe the best way to be a cheerleader for your employees is to inform them. The more people know the more comfortable they are. For example The ADKAR model for change has been extremely successful within multiple organization. The first step in the model is Awareness (Change Models, 2011).


Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model. (2015). Implementing change powerfully and successfully. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_82.htm

Change Models. (2011). Research Administration Performance Improvement and Development. University of Washington....

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