Drug Trafficking
Stich had been gathering information on CIA drug trafficking for decades. He first encountered these activities while he was an airline captain flying for Japan Airlines out of Tokyo and also out of Beirut, Baghdad and other Middle East locations in the early 1950s. While talking to other pilots and in normal pilot-to-pilot conversations, many pilots described to him that they were flying for CIA-related operations and airlines and hauling drugs. They made no big deal out of it; it was simply another job for which pilots were increasingly involved. These pilots included those who flew for Air America, Civil Air Transport, and other covert CIA operations.
Over the next four decades Stich continued to receive information about the CIA drug trafficking from pilots who actually flew the drugs. Some of these pilots were from covert CIA airlines including Air America, and some of them came to work for the same airline that he worked for. These pilots had no agenda or reason to fabricate these comments to their fellow pilots. They were speaking the truth.
During the past ten years Stich developed many sources in the CIA and DEA who had direct knowledge of the CIA drug trafficking. He learned that it wasn't only the CIA involved in these criminal activities. The drug trafficking included the CIA, DEA, the military, the State Department, the White House's National Security Council, among others. Thousands of hours of often deposition-like questioning was involved
These activities are detailed and documented in the third edition, hard cover book, Defrauding America, and the first edition of Drugging America. Example of his many sources who are listed in the book are:
FBI Special Agent who repeatedly reported CIA drug trafficking to his supervisors and to FBI Director William Sessions, and to Congress. Some of these drug activities were funding terrorist cells based in New Jersey and New York. Justice Department personnel retaliated against him for...