Early childhood cert 3

Early childhood cert 3

 Module 2 CHCCN511A Provide a healthy and safe environment

1) The strategies I would implement and monitor to measure the spread of infectious diseases are:
Provide all rooms with adequate hand sanitizers, paper towel, tissues etc
Have signs up in every room, office, foyer and staff room, bathroom on how to wash and dry your hands effectively. This is so we can minimize the risk of bringing infectious diseases into our centre or have any leave the centre.
Have both children and staff wash their hands on a regular basis .e.g. before and after eating, after playing and before and after handling food.
ALWAYS where gloves when handling food, cleaning bodily fluids such as blood.
ALWAYS use spray sanitizer after each child has slept on a bed or mattress.
Sanitize ALL toys at the end of the day to minimize the spread of diseases.

2) Potential hazards to children who attend Early Childhood Education and care services are:
Cots that are placed near power points.
Cots that d not have child proof locking
Toys with sharp edges
Loose blankets (may cause strangulation)
Toys with sharp edges (cutting injuries)
Toys that can be used to hit another child with.
Chemicals or medications not locked away safely from children.
Wet floors in washroom or bathrooms (may cause slips or falls)
Anything that small hands can be inserted into easily, but not readily removed.
Items small enough to be swallowing hazards.

3) It is important to provide appropriate toys and equipment to children as it is a safety issue to all children and it is important to ensure any toy or play equipment children are playing with is appropriate for his or her age group.

4) The child to adult ratios that apply within my centre are as follows:

Babies- 1:4 Infants
Toddlers- 1:6 (As of july) Infants
4-5 yrs old – 1:10 children
5a) Symptoms to show that a child is unwell is as follows:
Feverish appearance
Loss of...

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