education dishonesty

education dishonesty

Academic misconduct
Institutional affiliation

Academic misconduct is generally any form of cheating that takes place in regard to a formal academic activity. It may include collusion, deceit, personation, plagiarism and fabrication. Academic misconduct is a very serious crime that is punishable within the restrictions of the institution. Every academic institution has its own way of dealing with academic misconduct but one thing for sure is that there is no learning institution that condones any kind of academic misconduct.
The student in the case study could have challenged the faculty judgment to give her a lower grade of “F” on the assignment if the professor failed to give notice and hearing. It is the right of the student to be notified of his offense, and be provided with testimonial hearing and other protections. If the professor failed to provide the rights of the student, then she could challenge the judgment of the faculty and receive a much lower disciplinary action like a lower grade other than postponing his graduation to a year later.
The professor and the dean of students should maintain some documentation and record keeping for the academic misconduct cases. Some of the documentation maintained is the list of names of the students in a certain academic year. The document is maintained for one year and it is destroyed after the year is over and a new one is created. The professor and the dean also maintain records of allegations as well as that of the hearing in regard to the records retention guidelines of the institution. Another record that is maintained within the institution is the record of the infringement committed by the student. All the records and documentations are confidential and only supposed to be used on official matters.
My higher education institution has taken different steps to fight the problem of academic dishonesty. First and foremost, the institution has implemented strict...

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