Efficient and Effective Communication with Electronic Medical Records

Efficient and Effective Communication with Electronic Medical Records

As you walk through the local hospital there is a good chance that there will be nurses, secretaries, and even doctors sitting and working at the computer. This is because the majority of hospitals has included or is in the process of incorporating the healthcare information systems. The information has been acknowledged by the Institute of Medicine as one of the major ways to improve the quality of health care industry and communication process (Anderson, 2008). The old days of medical records by paper are rapidly heading into the past, and electronic medical record is the wave of the future. The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) offers every person with a secure and private lifetime record of his or her health history and care within the health system. The EMR is obtainable electronically to authorized health care providers anytime and anywhere in maintaining high quality care. EMR has been shown to improve nursing efficiency, increase patient safety, and improve documentation. By evaluating the EMR it will ensure that it will meet with the health system’s requirements and is critical in ensuring a smooth patient transition.

Efficient and effective communication is with this technology

The communication flow among the physicians and staff member also have major improvements. The patients obtain documentation in regards to their visit, clearly printed out school or work note (if requested), and piece of mind with knowing their prescription will at the pharmacy when they arrive to pick it up (if applicable). There also will not be any sort of misunderstanding as to what the doctor wrote, along with papers being lost. By a simple click of the button the medical record of a patient is available without the patient carrying it around.

The budge of medical records from paper to the electronic format has increased the possibility for people to access, use, and reveal sensitive personal health information. While protecting...

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