emotions, personalities, and attitude

emotions, personalities, and attitude

Emotions, Personalities, and Attitudes
Emotions, personalities, and attitudes play a huge role in organizations, because people adapt differently in different situations. These also play a key role on what employers look for in employees when it comes to obtaining a successful organization.
“The term personality may be used in several ways. One common use-or, rather, misuse- of the word is in describing the popularity of our classmates or colleagues (Hitt, Miller, & Colella, 2011, page 170).” When personality is used to describe a person’s characteristics such as, “jolly, shy, domineering, assertive, and so on (Hitt, Miller, & Colella, 2011, page 170)” this is more of a useful description, because “a set of rich characteristics tells us much about the behavior we can expect a person to exhibit and can serve as a guide in interactions (Hitt, Miller, & Colella, 2011, page 170).” Personality is said to be “a stable set of characteristics representing the internal properties of an individual which are reflected in behavioral tendencies across a variety of situations (Hitt, Miller, & Colella, 2011, page 170).” Organizations use personality traits to predict a person’s behavior, they must also “work with concise set of traits (Hitt, Miller, & Colella, 2011, page 172).”
Organizations have a hard time in telling the difference between personality and attitude. Having a positive attitude attributes to positive productive efforts, and negative attitudes usually attributes to poor work habits. Negative attitudes, organizations try to wean out, because it could lead them down a horrible reputable path in the industry.
A person’s emotions plays a huge role in a person’s attitude. For example, if a person is extremely happy, their attitude with reflect the same, and if a person is upset their attitude will show a lot of irritability towards others when it is not intended. “Emotions can play a part in organizational functioning in...

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