english ii

english ii

Unsuspected Destination: “A Good Man is Hard to Find”

1. Choose two of the following characters. For each character include three quotations from the story to show O’Connor’s characterization of the two characters you have chosen. Explain the character’s nature or temperament revealed by the quotations provided.

• "But it wold've been better for all of you, if you hadn't of reckernized me"
• "I call myself the Misfit because I can't make what al I done wrong fit what all I gone through in punishment"
• "She would have been a good woman, if there was somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life"
• "You're the misfit! I recognized you at once!"
• "I just know you're a good man"
• "Pray Pray"

2. Give an example of dramatic, situational, and verbal irony from the story. Be sure to label your examples.
Verbal- "I know you're a good man!" - Grandmother
Siuational when the Misfit finally allows grandmother to see herself as a sinner
Dramatic- the grand mother sees herself as a nice ldy but the audience knows other wise. She lies and uses rasict language.

3. Choose two of the following. Explain how each brings about meaning in this story.

Red Sammy’s BBQ Place
The Misfit drives a hearse.
Sammy’s wife is described as “burnt brown.”
Grandmother takes notice of the graves in the field as they travel.
“In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady.”

The Misfit drives a hearse: A hearse is used to carry the deceased, and the Misfit kills people.

Grandmother takes notice of the graves in the field as they travel.
“In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady.” : The irony, she noticed the grave yard and spoke about an accident, then later in the story they got into an accident.
4. Explain how the grandmother has a misconception of herself.
She thinks that she is an proper...

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