Essay of Contractivism

Essay of Contractivism

Constructivism Theory in Teaching and Learning Process
There are several theories that are applied in education such as Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism etc. Many educators especially teachers use the theories in the classroom based on their own roles. Each theory has its own different function and purpose and also has a little bit correlation with each other, for example behaviorism theory. In this theory , the teaching learning process focuses on the students centered not the teacher’s one. It means that, if the teacher applies it in the classroom, it tends to create the passive students. They just absorb the knowledge from their own teachers. While constructivism theory is the response to the behaviorism theory(asiaeuniversity, 106). It means that the role of constructivism theory is in the opposite of behaviorism. The students’ role is to construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. It means that the students construct the meaning of certain thing by assimilating and accommodating through their own experience. It tends to create the active students. While the constructivist teachers encourage and guide the students in order to assess the activities which help them to get the understanding . The way the teacher guide the students can be conducted through questioning them in order it can create the situation in which the students construct the meaning of thing by themselves. Moreover the function of questioning is to regard the students as the expert learners. The other function of constructivism theory is it can create problem solving, if the students find problem , they can discuss with other friends to get the solution. That is the point of view about constructivism theory . The next session will be the description of constructivism through the history, definition, types, principles, implementation in teaching learning process, the characteristics of...

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