essay on why you need to keep up withPII

essay on why you need to keep up withPII

The Importance of Maintianing Accountability of PII

In todays world, we all carry very specific information around with us. whether it be in the form of an identification card, drivers liscense, social security card or even our very own smart phones. Not only do we require these more today than just a few years ago, but now more people have access to this information through webservices or a company intranet or even through unsavory means. Not keeping track of where you ise or place these items can to a multitude of things. Situations like Identity theft, having to write extraordinarly long essays, having to recieve new forms of identification or even being in the terrible situation of not even being able to replace some very important information. Through this lovely piece of writing, I shall regail you of very important statistics, tales of simillar situations from others and even a few of my own mishaps. let us begin...
The biggest issue stemming from poor Personally Identifying Information management is Identity Theft. Identity Theft is defined as the delibrate use of someone else's identity, typically as a method to gain a financial advantage or other benefits in the person's name and perhaps to the disadvantage or loss of the other person. In 2014 the financial loss to identity theft increased by fifty percent from 2010. In 2010 a mere thirteen billion dollars was attributed to loss as opposed to the staggering twenty-six billion dollars in 2014. One reason this number jumps so high is that it shows the increased use of internet to purchase more and more items. typically when purchasing something online you need to use a debit or credit card and all the information that goes along with them which is typcally your name, address and the cvc code on the card. so now someone has access to all that information through server access, a key logger and a straight up hack of the service or your own computer or personal server.
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