Ethical Characteristics of Each Person

Ethical Characteristics of Each Person

Personal Values
Alex Moreno
University of Phoenix
Ethics in Management
Catherine Garcia, MBA, PhD

Personal Values
Personal values are moral and ethical characteristics of individuals learned from parents at home, teachers at school, God at church, wife, and even at work.
I was born and raised in El Salvador the youngest of six, my Grandmother, a brother, and three cousins. Even though, El Salvador experienced social, political, and economic problems late in the 70s throughout late 80s, Grandmother was a role model for the family and taught the children her personal values of honesty, reliability, respect, integrity, and trust. Grandmother efforts created a safe, positive, and supportive environment in the family.
My brother and cousins were examples of Grandmother’s personal values at school, church, neighbors, and friends; therefore, I needed to follow the same path in order to demonstrate the personal values learned at home because I did not want to be left behind. In 1983, I took an admission test to one of the finest high school institutions in El Salvador and was admitted for the next school year.
While in high school, the social and political situation in the country had increased for the worst, the military and the guerrillas did not care for the welfare of the population specially the students. But the personal values learned at home help me to decide right from wrong and to stay away from the conflict. I learned a great deal of lessons from the teachers in high school such as respect, trust, unity, punctuality, responsibilities, integrity, accountability, and collaboration that have been factors in my decision-making in life.
Special event happen in high school, where I met the person who has shared her personal values for over 25 years and that special person is my wife named Sandra. Sandra and I shared similar personal values and had helped to maintain the marriage for 20 years.
God has been a...

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